Last Sunday, pastor Harry talked about 5 things that the leadership of City Chapel has identified as their culture values.  These 5 things will define us as a leadership team, but they are also helpful for anyone wanting to move the dial (in a Godward direction) in their own lives.  Check them out below.

1.    We rinse our own cottage cheese (vs being lazy)
We will be described as fanatical, disciplined, rigorous, dogged, determined, diligent, precise, fastidious, systematic, methodical, workmanlike, demanding, consistent, focused, accountable, persistent, and responsible.  We do whatever it takes to do exactly what we said we would do, how we said we would do it, when we said we would do it.

2.    We smell like sheep (vs being judgmental)
We invest time, energy, and money in people because we believe that people are worth it.  We know the state of our flocks and are always working to move them to green pasture.  We celebrate each step.  We are neither judgmental nor apathetic.  We constantly communicate grace and truth.

3.    We walk with Jesus (vs being hypocritical)
We live with honesty and transparency.  We are self-feeders who are currently being transformed by our own relationship with Jesus.  We actively dethrone everything in our lives but Christ so that we can have the authority to challenge others to the same.  We repent often.  We love the truth. 

4.    We are teachable (vs being opinionated)
We are always learning.  We allow others to speak into our lives.  We are quick to submit to authority and even to each other.  We are unoffendable.  We seek out opportunities to become more productive leaders.  We ask the right questions; seeking personally applicable answers not “buy in” or to satisfy curiosity. We look in the mirror when giving critique (humility) and out the window when giving credit (encouragement).

5.    We possess enduring joy (vs being moody)
We have fun.  We smile a lot.  We intentionally set the positive tone of our church by communicating the joy of the Lord.  We find the life giving way to see and say everything.  Because of this, healthy people are drawn to us.  Blessings come out of our mouths, not curses.  We never despair.  We never count God out. 
