Hey parents!

At City Chapel, we don't babysit kids on Sunday mornings. We empower families to raise up kids who love Jesus. That's why we have this resource to help you, as the parent, bring the teaching from Sunday morning to your dinner table.

Please read over the content with your kids and discuss how the lesson applies to their lives.

Be sure to check the challenge at the end. Thank you for taking the time to invest in your children's spiritual growth!

For toddlers (3-5 yrs)

IN THE CAR:  Ask your child what they learned about this week:

This week we read about the anguish of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, the terrible treatment at the hands of the soldiers, and the way his friends and disciples turned away. Jesus suffered a great deal physically, spiritually, and emotionally. We should not deny him or be embarrassed to follow him, but be proud to follow Jesus.

AT DINNER: Here are some great discussion starters

- What did Jesus pray about in the garden?

- Why did Peter deny knowing Jesus?

- Why is it so hard to let other people know that we love Jesus?


“Anyone who believes in Christ is a new creation. The old is gone! The new has come!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIRV)


PARENT TIME:  What you need to know:

Do your co-workers know you are a believer? What about your neighbors? Your best friends? Jesus suffered unimaginable shame for us, yet many of us are afraid to share our faith for fear of being mocked. Ask God to give you and your children a bold faith. Never be afraid to say you love Jesus.


    Follow the Holy Week Story with your kids. Open your bible and read Mark 14:32-42 (Garden of Gethsemane), Luke 22:63-65 (Jesus Mocked and Beaten), Matthew 26:69-75 (Peter Denies Jesus)




In Superbook this week, we looked at the story of John The Baptist. John was a very unusual person who lived in the wilderness. He ate locust and honey but he lived a life that followed after God’s heart. He was bold and told people to repent from their sins. He baptized people with water and he, too, baptized Jesus.

AT DINNER: Here are some great discussion starters

1.  John the Baptist told people they should repent. What does that mean? (Acts 3:19)

2.   What happened when John baptized Jesus? (Matthew 3:13-17)

3.   Herod was a very powerful and wicked ruler. What happened when John challenged him about his sinful behavior? (Matthew 14:3-4)

4.   Why wasn’t John afraid of Herod? (Proverbs 29:25)

5. What does it mean for God to become greater while we become less?

6. Jesus also faced a big decision about whether to do God’s will, even though it meant a painful death on the cross. Do you know what Jesus told His Father in heaven the night before He died? (Luke 22:42)

7. Because Jesus unselfishly obeyed God, we receive many wonderful blessings. Can you name some of them? (Romans 10:9 and 1 Peter 2:24)

PARENT TIME:  What you need to know:

John The Baptist shows us in our story today that it’s always better to follow God’s way no matter the consequence. John had boldness to tell people to ask for forgiveness and to repent from their sins. At the end, his boldness caused him his life. Not only was John bold but he was also obedient to follow God’s commands. God is asking us to do the same today.


“Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching.'” John 14:23


            It’s always best to follow God’s way!


Select a night to turn off all electronics. Open up your bible with your kids today and read the story of John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-17 and Mark 6:17-29)